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About Me

Laura Grothaus is a writer and artist living in Baltimore, the territory of the Susquehannock and Piscataway-Conoy. Interested in the politics of magic and memory, she’s at work on a hybrid manuscript exploring queerness and childhood and a novel about singing bones.

Her work has been featured by or is forthcoming in BUST, Strange Horizons, The Cincinnati Review, American Short Fiction, Poetry Northwest, Ninth Letter, Pleiades, and Fairytale Review. Kelly Link selected her as the winner of the 2024 Halifax Ranch Prize. Nominated for the Pushcart Prize and garnering awards internationally, from Poetry in Pubs in Bath, England to the Nazim Hikmet Poetry Competition in Cary, North Carolina, her writing has also been supported by scholarships from the Sewanee Writers' Conference and the Kenyon Writers Workshop. Her paintings and altered books have been shown at Art Enables in DC, McLean Project for the Arts in Virginia, and at libraries across Maryland and Ohio – and supported by a Creativity Grant from the Maryland State Arts Council. She's a recurring artist-in-residence at the Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center.

Collaborations are key to her practice. As a teacher, she’s partnered with kindergarteners, college students, and everyone in between. Her Baltimore writing workshop for adults has fostered the creation of several full-length manuscripts. She's co-directed plays, illustrated books, performed in train cars, and otherwise made a ruckus.

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